
Photoshop actions – PORTRAIT


Set of 35 Photoshop actions that will speed up your editing workflow of studio and outdooor portraits and help you create timeless painterly pictures.

Opis produktu

Set of 35 Photoshop actions includes:

  • Frequency separation action (1)
  • Dodge & Burn actions (4)
  • Skin actions (8)
  • Eyes actios (4)
  • Hair actions (2)
  • Colour adjustement actions (4)
  • Contrast actions (4)
  • Vignettes (3)
  • Final touch actions (4)
  • Bonus B&W action (1)


Actions were recorded in English version of Adobe Photoshop. They are compatible with PS CC.

*Due to the nature of this digital product, all sales are final!*

CREATIO Alicja Lelonek-Ball is NOT responsible for resending product links if your computer crashes or you misplace your files.

Terms Of Service And Use

By purchasing my products, by way of  you acknowledge that you may use this product for personal use or limited professional use. By purchasing Alicja Lelonek-Ball’s products, you do not gain ownership, nor can you claim any product as your own.

Presets, actions, overlays and textures purchased from are for personal use, by the purchaser, or for client work.  They are not to be given, sold, loaned, rented, copied, or re-distributed to others. All images with overlays and backgrounds purchased through must be flattened before presenting to the client and may not be given in layered form.

You are not allowed to modify, share, sell, transfer, loan, copy or gift the right to use these Photoshop Actions and/or Video Editing Tutorials to anyone else. This product should, under no circumstance, be posted or uploaded to the Internet. POSTING A LINK FOR OTHERS TO DOWNLOAD Alicja Lelonek-Ball’s PRODUCTS IS A FELONY.

This product may only be installed on a computer directly owned by the purchaser. The images enhanced with these actions and/or overlays may only be used for personal or professional projects. Any products given to a client must be in a non-editable file format.

Alicja Lelonek-Ball is not responsible for any direct or indirect loss/damage arising from the use of our products in whatever form.

The access to tutorials is possible after having logged in on the buyer’s account.

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